Immigration process to the United States
Do you want to know the details about how we carry out the immigration process to the United States for nursing professionals?
Join us next WEDNESDAY JANUARY 19 for our webinar, LIVE, when we will have Elissa, one of our lawyers with great experience in the process to obtain permanent residence (Green Card) for professional nurses.
Please submit your questions in advance so they can be answered during the webinar using the link (included below) BEFORE 5 PM CST ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 16.
Do not miss it, we’ll be waiting!
Tune in on WEDNESDAY, January 19, 2022
time: 7pm Colombia / 6pm Mexico / 9pm Argentina
Kerry Abbott MSN, RN
Senior Vice President Workforce Management
The Nash Group
5017 West 95th Street
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Office: (847) 425- 4783 ext. 5004